Pratchett’s Legacy

A game made for the Creative Assembly Game Jam held at EGX Rezzed 2015.

Pratchett’s Legacy was made within the very short time frame of 24 hours! My team was put together by random selection and even with the limited time to bond, plan, and develop, we were able to finish the game within the 24 hours time limit and we were the only team to create a game with multiple levels.

A tribute to the late and great Terry Pratchett, this game explores Terry’s struggles with cognitive health in later life with a view to educate players on the common symptoms of dementia. For example, difficulty in performing familiar tasks such as finding one’s keys is reperesented by a disappearing and reappearing key in the game; disorientation to time and place can be seen with the increasing amounts of surreal elements as the game progresses, blurring the lines between fiction and reality.

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Jack Davenport – Programmer/Designer
James Woods – Programmer/Designer
Tanya Down – Programmer/Designer
Jason Tuyen – Programmer
Michael Clark – Sound Design/Music

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